This comprehensive Online Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy consists of The Certificate of Clinical Hypnotheray The Certificate of Personality Integration Process and The online Treartment module where you will learn how to help clients to Stop Smoking, Stop Gambling, Stop drnking alcohol excessively and mainy other problems. The entire Diploma course was filmed during our 13 days practical, hands-on training and is for those wanting a career as a fully qualified competent Clinical Hypnotherapist, able to confidently start-up and build their own successful effective and ethical hypnotherapy practice.
Upon Completion of The Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy you will have:
A Certificate of Clinical Hypnotherapy,
A Certificate of Personality Integration Process,
A Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy.
There are no prerequisites anyone anywhere can join and begin stdy straight away.
This Online Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy is a superb and challenging voyage in both expert and individual change.
All knowledge imparted to students comes from many years of development and use in everyday practice in our own hypnotherapy clinics.
The curriculum is a mixture of traditional hypnosis methods, clinical hypnotherapy, combined with our own techniques that are intended to carry profound individual understanding and change to the students learning them.
These well developed clinical holistic client-centred techniques allow our practitioners to resolve otherwise difficult client problems in relatively short duration of appointments, rather than leaving them unresolved using poorer techniques and quite often sees the client seeking another therapist. After all, a great part of what builds and sustains a therapy business is referrals and these are gained by the reputation of the therapist.
You will learn how to be of effective service to your clients, helping them to overcome anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, relationships, along with Stop Smoking (HypNoSmoke) Weight Loss, (HypnoTrim), Gambling and Alcohol.
As part of this Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy, you will be trained in the cutting edge therapy, Personality Integration Process™ (PIP). This therapy is a new advancement in the field of hypnotic therapy, developed by Lorna Jackson and used successfully in everyday practice to help resolve client problems.
Clinical Hypnotherapy Training includes this level of training in the Diploma and views the skillset of (PIP) as mandatory to success, whereas other training institutions only offer something similar at additional cost in the form of advanced or graduate diploma. This gives our student graduates a huge advantage in the treatment they can offer to clients in their clinical practices.
Personality Integration Process (PIP) gives hypnotherapists the most direct access to the part of the personality that is experiencing the presenting issue and provides effective intervention methods in order to resolve them efficiently.
PIP is a holistic hypnotherapeutic technique used for inner conflict resolution and helps clients succeed even when other hypnotic techniques have failed. It empowers the client when the resolution for the problem comes from the client instead of the therapist. The PIP process is suitable to help treat all problems including, habits, fears, phobias, trauma etc. PIP addresses the client’s issues in the most direct manner, with results being incredibly fast, effective, efficient and permanent.
Even though the Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy is an online course it far exceeds many other Diplomas in Clinical Hypnotherapy being offered in Australia. Why is this you may ask? We simply believe that in order for you to succeed at becoming self-employed in the hypnotherapy profession you must be equipped to deal with all eventualities.
There is also a quiz included in the Certificate of Clinical Hypnotherapy Component to help bring you up to speed with what Clinical Hypnotherapy is and its terminology. To assist with this all students of the Diploma are granted 1-year access to the online course.
Course: Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy
Online Diploma Video Course:
155 Videos = 34+ hours of viewing
Start Straight Away
Price: $897.00
Hypnotherapy Learning Hub – Click Here
The Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy
155 videos = 34+ hours
The Certificate of Hypnotherapy
Definitions of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, Dispelling the Myths, Overview of Hypnosis – Modern Clinical Research, Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy History, How the Mind Works, Conscious and Subconscious Mind, Altered States of Consciousness, Difference between Clinical Hypnosis and Stage Hypnosis, Susceptibility tests, Group Hypnosis Experience, Simple Susceptibility Tests, Handclasp, Hypnotic Gaze, Rapid Induction Demonstrations and Practice, About Trance Induction, Recognise the Signs of Hypnosis, Deepeners, Dangers of Hypnosis, Contra Indication of Hypnosis.
The Brain and Mind Subconscious – Unconscious – Conscious, Mind-Body Connection, Parallel Awareness – Dissociation, Physical Changes, Hypnotic Voice, Hypnotic Inductions, Rapid Induction Demonstration and Practice, Four Attributes of Change, Ideo-Motor, Effects of Colours, Abreaction and Catharsis, Inducing and Maintaining Hypnosis, Rapport, Professional Conduct, Therapeutic Skills.
Post Hypnotic Suggestions, Ethics in Hypnosis Practice, Hypnosis Induction Demonstrations and Practice, Methods of Trance Induction, Deepening and Trance Termination, Eye fixation, Catalepsy, Arm levitation, Progressive relaxation, Wake-up or trance termination, Fractionation and other dissociative procedures, Trance Resistance, Difficulties, How to test for trance progress and establishment.
Fractionation Rapport, Creating a Tailored Script, Post Hypnotic Suggestions, Induction and Practice, Therapeutic Process, Gathering Client Information, Take case History of Client, Effective and Appropriate Questioning, Demonstration, Supervisions and Questions.
Putting it all Together, Hypnotic language patterns, Structuring suggestions, Ericksonian approaches, Devising the treatment plan, Therapies and useful scripts, Stress management, Induction Practise, Ego State Therapy, Personality Integration Process, Professional Conduct, Code of ethics, Supervision and Questions.
Certificate of Personality Integration Process
Introduction and overview, Understand the concept of Personality Integration Process™, History and variations of Personality Integration Process, Goals of PIP,
Nature of Personality States, Understand when PIP is appropriate to use as therapy, How to overcome client blocks, Utilize hypnotic techniques,
Understand and set up ideomotor responding and psychodynamics, Emotional bridging and clinical hypnotic regression, The PIP session, Demonstration and practice.
Personality negotiation and integration, PIP session conclusion, How to use PIP to become a better hypnotherapist, Demonstration and practise.
Overview of hypnosis, Inductions for therapy review and practice, Conscious and Subconscious Mind, Rapid Induction Demonstrations and Practice, Recognise the Signs of Hypnosis, Deepeners, Anxiety Therapy, Supervision and questions.
Hypnotic Voice, Ideo-Motor, Abreaction and Catharsis, Stop Smoking Therapy, Professional Conduct, Therapeutic Skills, Supervision.
Post Hypnotic Suggestions, Hypnosis Induction and therapy practice, Creating a Tailored Script, How to run group sessions, Ethics in Hypnosis Practice, Weightloss Therapy, Supervision.
Bringing it all together as a clinical hypnotherapist, Business Goals, Building your hypnotherapy practice, Branding and marketing, Web sites, Advertising, Associations, Insurance, Code of ethics, Supervisions and Questions.
Clinical Hypnotherapy Treatments Module Which Includes:
- Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking cigarettes and cannabis (up to 3 session program.
- Weight Loss Program (4 session hypnotic gastric band)
- Hypnotherapy to Stop Alcohol.
- Hypnotherapy to Stop Gambling.
- Hypnotherapy for Self Confidence and Self Esteem.
- Hypnotherapy for Fears, Phobias, Anxiety.
- Hypnotherapy for Sleep or Insomnia.
- Hypnotherapy for Stop Nail Biting
All of the above treatments are fully scripted so you can be ready to go.
At the completion of your Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy training, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the development and uses of therapeutic hypnotherapy/psychotherapyand if you have practised your inductions and therapy throughout the course you will gain a well practised capability of inducing effective hypnotic trance in others and instructions for therapeutic benefits.